Tuesday, 18 June 2013

I believe in the power of Hinduism to weather any storm. I believe in the power of Hinduism to weather any storm. -ambaa(foreiner)

Hinduism Is Not In Danger

My father always told me not to ever act from a place of fear. I can see why. Fear clouds our judgment and obscures the truth of a situation. There’s a lot about media that tries to encourage fear and I find it a miserable way to live!
One place that I see a lot of fear is about Hinduism being lost.
And it’s a fear that I can totally understand! Many other religions believe in proselytizing and some will go to extreme measures to manipulate and trick people into conversion. Since Hinduism does not work to convince people to join its ranks, there is a real fear that these other religions will wipe it out.
I don’t believe that’s possible.
Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Truth. Think about that. It is eternal. It has always been and it will always be. It is the basis of the universe. It cannot be changed or destroyed by the interpretation of human beings.
No matter what other people might try to do, no matter how individuals experience it, Hinduism cannot be destroyed. You know what a forced conversion can never do? It can never change your heart. Hinduism will always live  in your heart. No one can take that from you or from me.
I believe in the power of Hinduism to weather any storm.

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