Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Unfortunately, under the mismanagement of Nehruji

Dr.Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was a great son of India. He was the leader of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1953 when he entered the State of J. and K. against the orders and wish of the then Prime Minister of J. and K., Mr. Sheikh Abdullah (the grandfather of the present CM, Omar Abdullah). At that time, that State had a Prime Minister.
Unfortunately, under the mismanagement of Nehruji while the Special Status was conferred on J.and K., the PM of that State was conferred the power to refuse the entry of any Indian into that State. Even the President of India had to take the State PM's permission to enter the State. But Shyama Prasad set foot into that State in protest against such ridiculous Special Status, on 11 May 1953. He was arrested by the State Government. He was lodged in some dilapidated building. He was not even tried. He died as a detunu on 23 May 1953.
When India attained Independence on 15 August 1947, Nehru inducted Shyama Prasad as a Minister for Industry and Supply. But Shyama Prasad did not like Nehru's policy with Pakistan which he regarded as appeasement and was against the Delhi Pact of 1949 signed by Nehru with Pakistan's PM, Liaqat Ali Khan. He parted ways with Nehru. He founded the Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS) in 1951. The present BJP is the new avatar of that BJS.
Shyama Prasad began to vociferously oppose Nehru's policies of Muslim appeasement. He wanted a free-market economy as against Nehruvian Socialist economy. He wanted a Uniform Civil Code in India irrespective of religion. He wanted Nehru to end the Special Status to the State of J. and K. He told Nehru that there could not be two Constitutions, two Flags and two PMs in one country. He fell out of favour with Nehru.

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